Política de privacidad


In accordance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by that Directive 95/ 46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – RGPD) is repeated, this Privacy Policy regulates the processing of personal data carried out as a result of the use of the web page Gamadtravels.com (In forward “The web”)


The person responsible for the data file obtained in the contact forms on the website, as well as for communications made by email, is Adrian Gordillo Alcala with tax address at Tomás Luis de Victoria Street, 5, with NIF number 43207158W.

This privacy policy will be valid only for personal data obtained on the website, and is not applicable to information collected by third parties from other websites, even if these are linked by the GAMAD TRAVELS website itself.


The data collected on the website will be processed for commercial purposes as a result of the requests, procedures or procedures that the user facilitates through the website.

The data subject to processing will be those that the user provides through the forms that the website contains at any time, or through the emails that the user sends to the email accounts identified on the website.

The data collected in any of the contact forms, subscriptions or email messages that the user makes on the website are stored in a file for exclusive commercial purposes.


GAMAD TRAVELS is the recipient of user data collected through the website.

The data collected through the website will not be transferred to third parties unless expressly necessary.

In this case, only those data that are essential for the provision of the contracted services, whose fulfillment and development necessarily imply the connection of data and the necessary transmission thereof, will be communicated.
The authorization of users for the processing and transfer of their data is revocable without retroactive effect.


Users have the right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (hereinafter “ARCO”) of their data, as well as to revoke their consent or exercise their right to be forgotten in the terms provided by law, by writing to Tomás Luis de Victoria , 5 Palma de Mallorca – Balearic Islands, accompanying a document proving your identity.

You can also exercise your ARCO right through email: infogamadtravels@gmail.com by completing the forms enabled by the company.

Users may oppose the processing of any of their data that is not essential for the provision of services offered on the website and its use for any purpose other than the maintenance of their relationship than that specified therein, in which case we will only keep those data . for the exercise or defense of claims.

In compliance with the provisions of article 21 of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, if you do not wish to receive more information about our services, you can unsubscribe using the button included in each one. of the electronic newsletters or by sending an email to the email address infogamadtravels@gmail.com indicating LOW SERVICES in the subject.

Ultimately you can request information about your rights and file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Authority, with address at Calle Jorge Juan, nº 6, 28001 Madrid, through its website www.agpd.es or through your phone number 901 100 09.


The user gives express consent for the processing of their data by filling out any of the forms on the website, as well as by sending any communication by email to the email accounts that appear on it.

To process your personal information we rely on legitimacy for various reasons
to fulfill a contract and/or commercial relationship.
To send personalized offers of products and services.
Because the processing of client data is necessary for the correct execution of the contractual relationship, interested parties are informed that they are obliged to provide their personal data and that the consequence of not doing so may mean not providing the contracted services. .


The personal data that GAMAD VIAJES receives as from the user or client and has been transferred directly by the interested party or their legal representative.

The user must refrain from providing personal data to other interested parties unless they have the relevant authorization, according to which the interested parties will have been previously and duly informed about the content of this privacy policy and specifically, that they consent to their data being provided to GAMAD VIAJES to be processed based on the purposes described here.

In the event that GAMAD VIAJES identifies that the data provided by the client or user does not belong to him or his legal representative, it may deny your request if it has proof of this.

The categories of data that are processed are:

Name and surname
Email address
No specially protected data is processed


GAMAD TRAVELS is committed to maintaining professional secrecy regarding the data accessed by users, and the duty to maintain them, obligations that will remain even after ending its relationship with the contracting party. The rest of the obligations regarding the processing of personal data will expire when the data has been deleted from the GAMAD TRAVELS file.


The personal data provided by users will be kept for as long as a relationship with GAMAD TRAVELS is maintained, or until the user requests their deletion.

The user declares to have been correctly informed of the conditions of protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to their processing by accepting them in each of the contact forms on the website.

Likewise, users may exercise their ARCO rights at any time to process their data in the manner described in said privacy policy.